The same procedure will be used for both children but for different reasons. Melissa's was primarily done for her severe sleep apnoea, Nick's will be done because of his severe proptosis (bulgy eyes). (His eyes could pop out at any time, and they are red all the time which could be causing damage).
Earlier in the year Nick had a CT scan on his skull and we heard nothing from the hospital until July. We received an appointment to see the plastic surgeon on the 10th of August. We were expecting him to say that he'll do the op next year in 2013 when Nick is 9 years old, as that was the age Melissa was...but he said he wanted to do it straight away and he pulled out his booking book. He even re-arranged some bookings to fit Nick in! This news sent Nick into a panic attack and we had to calm him down. We also were quietly shocked but staying strong for Nick. The op had arrived!
It took a little while to come to terms with the news. Then we had to think about what we did to prepare for Melissa's. We went shopping for front-opening shirts and bought Nick some toys to take with him to hospital.
This weekend we are encouraging Nick to eat as much as he can too as he will lose a lot of weight over the course of the procedure and he is already very skinny due to his Coeliac Disease.
We have been talking to Nick about the operation to prepare him, but not freak him out. I don't know how he is going to cope.
It is interesting that Melissa does not remember very much about her halo at all. She has blanked most of it out of her memory.
Since Thursday we have kept Nick at home away from people. We don't want him getting sick or the operation will be cancelled. One of Nick's earlier ops was cancelled due to sickness so we are not taking any chances. He has had some hay fever so he has been using an antihistamine nasal spray. It's hard not to feel paranoid. Nick seems pretty calm but has been exhibiting some extroverted behaviour - being our family clown.
Friends have started to pray for Nick and our church family will be praying for him tomorrow collectively in church. God is watching over Nick and is in control of the situation. I am feeling calm and at peace.
Monday we will pack our bags.
© 2012 by Jenny Woolsey
No part of this blog may be reproduced without prior permission